
[來源:www.qmains.com] [作者:網(wǎng)站建設] [日期:21-11-03] [瀏覽次數(shù):]

英文網(wǎng)站建設和一般的中文網(wǎng)站建設是有所不同的,網(wǎng)站在建設期間所使用的代碼就有所不同,這樣就會避免出現(xiàn)亂碼,更避免了給企業(yè)帶來不必要的麻煩。注意一下幾個地方: English website construction and general Chinese website construction is different, the site during the construction of the code used is different, this will avoid the garbled words, more avoid bring unnecessary trouble. Notice a few places:   1.網(wǎng)站設計中國化,不符合國外用戶瀏覽習慣,導致外國人很難找到他想要的資訊和瀏覽習慣,感覺別扭; 1. The website design is Chinese and does not conform to the browsing habits of foreign users, which makes it difficult for foreigners to find the information and browsing habits that he wants.   2.網(wǎng)站設計不專業(yè),做工粗糙,很多英文語法錯誤,導致讓國外用戶感覺該公司很小很不專業(yè)而且粗心,而得不到其合作機會; 2. The website design is not professional, the work is rough, many English grammar mistakes, resulting in making foreign users feel that the company is very small and unprofessional and careless, and not get蓋土網(wǎng) 防寒布 麻繩 油麻繩 麻刀 瀝青麻繩 靜壓造型線 自動澆注機 鑄鐵拍門 鋼制拍門 玻璃鋼拍門 the cooperation opportunities;   3.網(wǎng)站在國外無法打開,要不國外用戶打開其網(wǎng)站慢得難以忍受; 3. The website cannot be opened in the foreign countries, or the foreign users open its website is too slow to bear;   4.網(wǎng)站上的留言反饋、在線咨詢、電郵咨詢是擺設,用戶問了半天,沒有得到回復; 4. Comments and feedback on the website, online consultation and email consultation were arranged. The user asked for half a day without receiving a reply.   5.網(wǎng)站基本優(yōu)化沒有做,在海外系列搜索引擎上排名靠后,讓采購商很難找到; 5. The basic optimization of the website has not been done, and the ranking of overseas series search engines has made it difficult to find buyers.   6.網(wǎng)站優(yōu)化做弊,被搜索引擎封了,導致在搜索引擎上找不到該網(wǎng)站; 6. The disadvantages of website optimization are blocked by the search engine, which results in the lack of the website on the search engine.   7.忽略了國外當?shù)赜脩袅晳T,忽略了當?shù)氐闹木W(wǎng)站和黃頁等采購商常用的工具。 7. Ignoring local user habits in foreign countries, ignoring local well-known websites and yellow pages and other purchasing tools.
